Girl/Boy Name Signs
Girl/Boy Name Signs
Girl/Boy large name signs are the perfect piece for a nursery, playroom, or kids room.
With each piece being handmade it makes them that much more unique. These signs are not something you can buy off a shelf at your local stores. They are made with solid pine and have a unique lettering style.
1. Choose between the two stain colors (espresso or espresso light).
2. Type out the name EXACT spelling
-Measures approximately 48”x12"
-The lettering and paint are permanent but can be damaged and/or scratched if not taken care of.
-100% pine Wood - Hand-cut, hand-stained, hand-painted and hand-lettered in house by A Piece of Homemade
-Back of each sign is unstained natural wood with hanging equipment.
-The exact wording you provide on your order will be written, SO make sure it is CORRECT.
-These signs are made to order with custom hand-lettering (this means no vinyl and no stencils). Small imperfections, variations, and difference can occur.
-D ring hangers
-Since all items are custom made to order, all sales are final. If your order is damaged, or you have a problem with your order, please contact me directly and we will find a solution!
-By purchasing this order you are agreeing to A Piece of Homemade policies and lead time.
**Please contact the shop if you have and questions or concerns before making an order**
Processing Time
Processing Time
-Processing time for this order is 1-2 weeks.